Chapter 7

Closing remarks

We have now reached the end of the presentation of Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) definitions in this book. When taken together, they provide a system for parsing contemporary English with a wide coverage. However, keeping the phrase structure rules straightforward and restricting the amount of structural ambiguity encountered with results placed limits on the coverage. Here, we note some limitations.

In regard to limitations on punctuation:

    Some limited coverage of extrapositioning is possible when the extraposed element is a noun phrase, as examples (7.1) and (7.2) illustrate.

| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('NPR','John'), w('VBD',';~Tn','made'), w('PRO','_*_'), w('CONJ','and'), w('NPR','Mary'), w('VBD',';~Tn','ate'), w('PRO','_*_'), w('P-ROLE','_*_'), w('Q','every'), w('N','pizza'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).

                    (VBD;~Tn made)
                    (NP-OB1 (PRO _*_)))
              (CONJP (CONJ and)
                     (ILYR (NP-SBJ (NPR Mary))
                           (VBD;~Tn ate)
                           (NP-OB1 (PRO _*_)))))
        (PP-NIM (P-ROLE _*_)
                (NP (Q every)
                    (N pizza)))
        (PUNC .))
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('N','Development'), w('P-ROLE','of'), w('PRO','_*_'), w('CONJ','and'), w('N','research'), w('P-ROLE','with'), w('PRO','_*_'), w('P-ROLE','_*_'), w('D','a'), w('ADJ','Parsed'), w('N','Corpus')]), parse(noun_phrase('',non_privileged)).

(NP (NLYR (NP (N Development)
              (PP (P-ROLE of)
                  (NP (PRO _*_))))
          (CONJP (CONJ and)
                 (NP (N research)
                     (PP (P-ROLE with)
                         (NP (PRO _*_))))))
    (PP (P-ROLE _*_)
        (NP (D a)
            (ADJP (ADJ Parsed))
            (N Corpus))))