Clause layers
5.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces clause (IP) layers. Section 5.2 has rules for identifying clause structure. Section 5.3 focuses on examples of matrix interrogative clauses where the subject is not under question. Section 5.4 sees an expansion of potential for clause structure with catenative verbs. Section 5.5 adds rules to join up clause content for statement word order. Section 5.6 covers ripple effects in the clause that existential there starts.
5.2 Clause structure
This section provides rules for identifying clause structure content, from initial elements through to the subject and then onwards to the start of the verb with its complements. Notably, the clause_top_layer rules of (5.1) in section 5.2.1 and (5.2) in section 5.2.2 will establish initial elements up to and including the clause subject. All have a Store parameter to list index information associated with identified clause elements that await integratation into the clause. Also, all have a clause Type parameter, which can be set to:
- statement_order
- imperative_clause
- tag_question
- matrix_interrogative
- matrix_constituent_interrogative
5.2.1 Non-recursive clause top rules
The clause_top_layer rules of (5.1) are non-recursive, with each saying something about the clause subject. For [rule 2], with its clause Type setting of imperative_clause, there can be no subject. The other rules need to:
- [rules 1 and 3–6] find a noun phrase or subject indicating content with a call of subject (from section 2.5)
- [rule 7] satisfy the subject condition with a stored np(ICH) index for a clause with its Type set to matrix_constituent_interrogative
Rules 1 and 3–6 that find subject content with subject vary in regard to where the subject occurs in the word list and the value taken by the clause Type parameter, as follows:
- [rule 1] the subject call finds its content as an initial portion of the word list for a clause with its Type set to statement_order
- [rules 3 and 4] with a clause Type setting of tag_question, the content identified with subject has final position in the word list, coming immediately after content identified with either do_operator_layer [rule 3] or have_be_or_md_finite_layer [rule 4]
- [rules 5 and 6] with a clause Type setting of either matrix_interrogative or matrix_constituent_interrogative, the subject call finds its content as a portion of the word list that is immediately after content identified with either do_operator_layer [rule 5] or have_be_or_md_finite_layer [rule 6] and immediately before content identified with either verb_phrase_layer [rule 5] or verb_complements_top_layer [rule 6]
Rules 2–4 and 7 restrict how the clause SbjType parameter is set:
- filled_sbj for [rules 2–4]
- filled_sbj or derived_sbj for [rule 7]
When there is clause Infl (inflection) information, occurring with calls to verb_phrase_layer, this varies:
- [rule 2] imperative
- [rule 5] do_supported_infinitive
When there is clause Voice information, occurring with calls to verb_phrase_layer [rules 2 and 5] or verb_complements_top_layer [rule 6], this is always active.
- (5.1)
clause_top_layer(statement_order,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(imperative_clause,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(tag_question,[],L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(tag_question,[],L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(Type,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(Type,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_constituent_interrogative,[np(ICH)|Store],[node('NP-SBJ',[ICH])|L],L0) -->
5.2.2 Recursive clause top rules
In addition to the rules of (5.1), there are also the clause_top_layer rules of (5.2), all of which are recursive, to enable:
- [rule 1] a clause initial adverbial, possibly followed by non_final punctuation
- [rule 2] a clause final adverbial, possibly preceded by non_final punctuation
- [rule 3] a clause initial noun phrase with type interrogative that is a stored item, changing the clause type information from matrix_interrogative into matrix_constituent_interrogative
- [rule 4] a clause initial preposition phrase with type interrogative that is a stored item, changing the clause type information from matrix_interrogative into matrix_constituent_interrogative
- [rule 5] a clause initial adjective_phrase phrase with type interrogative that is a stored item, changing the clause type information from matrix_interrogative into matrix_constituent_interrogative
- [rule 6] a clause initial adverb phrase with type interrogative that is a stored item, changing the clause type information from matrix_interrogative into matrix_constituent_interrogative
- [rule 7] a clause initial adverb phrase with type interrogative that has a -NIM (unselected adverbial) function, changing the clause type information from matrix_interrogative into matrix_constituent_interrogative
- [rule 8] a clause initial noun phrase with type non_privileged that is a stored item for a statement_order clause
- [rule 9] a clause initial preposition phrase with type non_privileged that is a stored item for a statement_order clause
- [rule 10] a clause initial utterance phrase that is a stored item, offset by quotation punctuation and possibly followed by non_final punctuation, for a statement_order clause
- [rule 11] conjuncts of coordinate structure, with non-initial conjuncts gathered by calls to clause_top_tail of (5.3)
- (5.2)
clause_top_layer(Type,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(Type,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(statement_order,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(statement_order,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(statement_order,Store,L,L0) -->
clause_top_layer(Type,Store,[node('ILYR',[node('ILYR',IL)|CL])|L],L) -->
- (5.3)
clause_top_tail(Type,Store,[node('CONJP',[CONJ,node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L) -->
clause_top_tail(Type,Store,[PU,node('CONJP',[node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L0) -->
Note how, with the recursive rules of (5.2): noun phrases [rules 3 and 8], preposition phrases [rules 4 and 9], adjective phrases [rule 5], adverb phrases [rules 6 and 7] and utterances [rule 10], all receive an index coindexed with an *ICH* (interpret constituent here marker) that goes into the Store parameter to ultimately be:
- matched to a required element for a verb_complements_top_layer call from chapter 4
- taken as a subject contribution by [rule 7] of (5.1), which is only possible with an index matching a noun phrase that a [rule 3] call of (5.2) identifies
Note that rules of (5.2) with indexed items that carry interrogative type information [rules 3–7] change the clause Type parameter from matrix_interrogative to matrix_constituent_interrogative. Consequently, only one stored index related to an item with interrogative type information is possible with a matrix clause. Moreover, when under question, the noun phrase subject of a matrix clause must be the one indexed phrase with interrogative type information.
Also, note how [rule 1] of (5.2) has an initial_adverbial call (from section 2.10) to pick up:
- discourse coordination words (e.g., And, But)
- clause level interjection (e.g., aah, eh, ummmmm)
- reaction signals (e.g., good_grief, really, yes, wow)
- formulaic expressions (e.g., good_afternoon, you_see, thank_you)
- adverb phrases with -NIM (unselected adverbial) function
- preposition phrases with -NIM (unselected adverbial) function
- the subordinate component of a subordinate conjunction
5.2.3 Verb phrase layer rules
[rule 2] for clause_top_layer of (5.1) calls verb_phrase_layer of (5.4). This subsequent rule layer ensures there is a place for introducing inflection and voice information before the verb and its complements are encountered. Having the clause type value imperative_clause, [rule 2] of (5.1) gives the values of imperative for the Infl (inflection) parameter and active for the Voice parameter.
The full range of options for the Infl parameter are:
- finite
- imperative
- infinitive
- do_supported_infinitive
- ing_participle
- en_participle
Options for the Voice parameter are:
With (5.4), in addition to passing on information for verb_complements_top_layer [rule 1], there is, provided the clause has imperative inflection, a non-recursive rule [rule 2] to support the presence of an imperative DO with operator function (so tagged DO and with no verb code) possibly followed by a clitic negation (added with optional_clitic_negation from section 2.10).
Calls to verb_phrase_layer can also be recursive, allowing the parse to either:
- [rule 3] pick up initial adverb phrases with a call to adverb_phrase (from section 3.3)
- [rule 4] pick up clause final adverbials with a call to adverbial (from section 6.8)
- [rule 5] start a conjunction structure with non-initial conjuncts gathered by calls to verb_phrase_tail of (5.5)
- (5.4)
verb_phrase_layer(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,L,L0) -->
verb_phrase_layer(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,[node('DO',[node(Word,[])])|L],L0) -->
SbjType == filled_sbj,
Infl == imperative,
Voice == active
verb_phrase_layer(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,L,L0) -->
verb_phrase_layer(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,L,L0) -->
verb_phrase_layer(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,[node('ILYR',[node('ILYR',IL)|CL])|L],L) -->
- (5.5)
verb_phrase_tail(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,[node('CONJP',[CONJ,node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L) -->
verb_phrase_tail(Store,SbjType,Infl,Voice,[PU,node('CONJP',[node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L0) -->
5.2.4 An example with full clause structure
Query (5.6) illustrates how a word list can have content for the top layer of a resulting clause, placed under a clause_top_layer node for presentation as a tree structure.
- (5.6)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('FRM','Please'), w('VB',';~I','smile')]), parse(clause_top_layer(imperative_clause,[])).
( (FRM Please)
(VB;~I smile))
Calls to reach the output of (5.6) follow (5.7).
- (5.7)
clause_top_layer imperative_clause
clause_top_layer imperative_clause
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj imperative active
verb imperative ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
Notably, once (5.7) reaches verb_phrase_layer, the clause information has:
- the SbjType parameter set to filled_sbj
- the Infl parameter set to imperative
- the Voice parameter set to active
These clause settings have the consequence that verb_complements_by_code can succeed with the empty word list as the complement information for the intransitive verb (verb with code ;~I).
5.3 Matrix interrogatives
This section focuses on examples of matrix interrogative clauses where the subject is not under question. Prior to its non-interrogative subject, such a clause will have either a finite DO, a finite HAVE, a finite BE or a modal verb, any of which the contracted form of negation (n't) can follow. This section adds rules to match these pre-subject components, so that a parse can integrate them with calls of clause_top_layer from section 5.2 above.
5.3.1 DO operator layer
Having the do_operator_layer rule of (5.8) leads to inclusion of a finite DO and also allows for an optional presence for negation as clitic n't (integrated with optional_clitic_negation from section 2.10).
- (5.8)
do_operator_layer([node(Tag,[node(Word,[])])|L],L0) -->
As example content for a constituent question that needs a do_operator_layer call to parse a finite DO, consider (5.9).
- (5.9)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WADV','Why'), w('DOD','','did'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('PRO','you'), w('VB',';~I','go')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
(DOD did)
(NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t)
(NP-SBJ (PRO you))
(VB;~I go))
Note how operator DO, as seen in (5.9), has no verb code with its word list contribution (w('DOP','','do')) and so occurs with only its word class tag (DOP) in the tree structure.
Calls to reach the output of (5.9) follow (5.10).
- (5.10)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
adverb_phrase -NIM interrogative
adverb_phrase_layer interrogative
adv interrogative
clause_top_layer matrix_constituent_interrogative
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
5.3.2 HAVE, BE or modal verb finite layers
Having the three have_be_or_md_finite_layer rules of (5.11) allows for the inclusion of either:
- [rule 1] a finite HAVE word
- [rule 2] a finite BE word
- [rule 3] a modal verb
All three rules allow for an optional presence for negation as clitic n't with calls of optional_clitic_negation from section 2.10.
- (5.11)
have_be_or_md_finite_layer(Code,[node(TagCode,[node(Word,[])])|L],L0) -->
have_be_or_md_finite_layer(Code,[node(TagCode,[node(Word,[])])|L],L0) -->
have_be_or_md_finite_layer(Code,L,L0) -->
As example content for a yes/no question that needs a have_be_or_md_finite_layer call to parse a finite HAVE, consider (5.12).
- (5.12)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('HVP',';~Tn','Has'), w('PRO','he'), w('D','a'), w('N','fever')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (HVP;~Tn Has)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(NP-OB1 (D a)
(N fever)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.12) follow (5.13).
- (5.13)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~Tn
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Tn filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~Tn filled_sbj active
noun_phrase -OB1 non_privileged
noun_phrase_top non_privileged
noun_phrase_initial_layer non_privileged
determiner_phrase_layer non_privileged
det non_privileged
As example content for a constituent question that needs a have_be_or_md_finite_layer call to parse a finite BE, consider (5.14).
- (5.14)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WPRO','What'), w('BEP',';~Ln','is'), w('PRO','he')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (NP-138 (WPRO What))
(BEP;~Ln is)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(NP-PRD2 *ICH*-138))
Calls to reach the output of (5.14) follow (5.15).
- (5.15)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
noun_phrase -138 interrogative
noun_phrase_top interrogative
noun_head_full interrogative
clause_top_layer matrix_constituent_interrogative [np(node('*ICH*-138',[]))]
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~Ln
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Ln [np(node('*ICH*-138',[]))] filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~Ln [np(node('*ICH*-138',[]))] filled_sbj active
5.4 Clause structure with catenative verbs
So far, we have seen clause structure with only a single verb, but a clause might include a sequence of verbs. The main verb is either the only verb of a clause or the last verb to occur in a sequence of verbs of the same clause. Verbs of a verb sequence that are prior to the main verb are called catenative verbs.
Section 4.10 provides verb_complements_by_code rules for the full range of catenative verbs. Now we focus on resulting clause structure from catenative verbs with code:
- ;~cat_Vi selecting a bare infinitive clause complement (section 5.4.1)
- ;~cat_Vt selecting a to-infinitive clause complement (section 5.4.2)
- ;~cat_Ve selecting an active past participle (-ed/-en) clause complement (section 5.4.3)
- ;~cat_Vg selecting an active present participle (-ing) clause complement (section 5.4.4)
- ;~cat_Ve_passive_ selecting a passive past participle (-ed/-en) clause complement (section 5.4.5)
5.4.1 Catenative verbs with bare infinitive complements
The verb_complements_by_code rule of section 4.10 for code ;~cat_Vi involves selection of a bare infinitive clause as its complement with the verb_phrase_layer rules of (5.4) above.
As an example involving selection of a bare infinitive clause as the complement of a modal verb, consider (5.16).
- (5.16)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('MD',';~cat_Vi','Can'), w('PRO','I'), w('VB',';~I','help')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (MD;~cat_Vi Can)
(IP-INF-CAT (VB;~I help)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.16) follow (5.17).
- (5.17)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vi
modal ;~cat_Vi
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vi filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vi filled_sbj active
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
5.4.2 Catenative verbs with to-infinitive complements
The verb_complements_by_code rule of section 4.10 for code ;~cat_Vt involves selection of a to-infinitive clause as its complement by picking up from the word list an initial to word (see section 2.10) and then the remainder of the infinitive clause with a call of verb_phrase_layer of (5.4) above with the clause Type set to infinitive and Voice kept as active.
As an example involving selection of a to-infinitive clause as the complement of a modal verb, consider (5.18).
- (5.18)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('MD',';~cat_Vt','Ought'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('PRO','he'), w('TO','to'), w('VB',';~Ip','stand'), w('RP','up')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (MD;~cat_Vt Ought)
(NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(VB;~Ip stand)
(ADVP-CLR (RP up))))
Calls to reach the output of (5.18) follow (5.19).
- (5.19)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vt
modal ;~cat_Vt
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vt filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vt filled_sbj active
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~Ip
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Ip filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~Ip filled_sbj active
adverb_phrase -CLR particle
adverb_phrase_layer particle
adv particle
5.4.3 Catenative verbs with active voice past participle clause complements
The verb_complements_by_code rule of section 4.10 for code ;~cat_Ve involves selection of an active past participle (-ed/-en) clause as its complement. This occurs when the word class tag is a form of HAVE (either HVP, HVD, HV, HAG or HVN).
The ip_ppl_active rule of (5.20) finds an active participle clause for overall structure labelled IP-PPL, together with any extension from the Ext parameter. This works with a subsequent call to verb_phrase_layer with an active setting for Voice. A past participle clause follows when Infl is set to en_participle.
- (5.20)
ip_ppl_active(Ext,Store,SbjType,Infl,[node(Label,VL)|L],L) -->
As an example involving selection of a past participle (-ed/-en) clause as the complement of a catenative verb that is a form of HAVE, consider (5.21).
- (5.21)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('HVP',';~cat_Ve','Has'), w('PRO','he'), w('VVN',';~I','gone')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (HVP;~cat_Ve Has)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(IP-PPL-CAT (VVN;~I gone)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.21) follow (5.22).
- (5.22)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Ve
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Ve filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Ve filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_active -CAT filled_sbj en_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj en_participle active
verb en_participle ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
5.4.4 Catenative verbs with active voice present participle clause complements
The verb_complements_by_code rule of section 4.10 for code ;~cat_Vg involves selection of a present participle (-ing) clause as its complement.
To find a present participle (-ing) clause, the Infl parameter for a call to ip_ppl_active of (5.20) is set to ing_participle.
As an example involving selection of a present participle (-ing) clause as the complement of a catenative verb that is a form of BE, consider (5.23).
- (5.23)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('BEP',';~cat_Vg','Is'), w('PRO','he'), w('VAG',';~I','going')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (BEP;~cat_Vg Is)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(IP-PPL-CAT (VAG;~I going)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.23) follow (5.24).
- (5.24)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vg
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vg filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vg filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_active -CAT filled_sbj ing_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj ing_participle active
verb ing_participle ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
5.4.5 Catenative verb with passive voice past participle clause complements
The verb_complements_by_code rule of section 4.10 for code ;~cat_Ve_passive_ involves selection of a passive past participle (-ed/-en) clause as its complement.
The ip_ppl_passive rule of (5.25) finds a passive participle clause for overall structure labelled IP-PPL, together with any extension from the Ext parameter. This works with a subsequent call to verb_phrase_layer that sets the clause state to being passive.
- (5.25)
ip_ppl_passive(Ext,Store,SbjType,Infl,[node(Label,[node('NP-LGS',[node('*',[])])|VL])|L],L) -->
As an example involving selection of a past participle (-ed/-en) clause as the complement of a catenative verb that is a form of BE, consider (5.26).
- (5.26)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('BED',';~cat_Ve_passive_','Was'), w('PRO','he'), w('VVN',';~Tn','scolded')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (BED;~cat_Ve_passive_ Was)
(NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(VVN;~Tn scolded)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.26) follow (5.27).
- (5.27)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Ve_passive_
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Ve_passive _filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Ve_passive _filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_passive -CAT filled_sbj en_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj en_participle passive
verb en_participle ;~Tn
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Tn filled_sbj passive
verb_complements_by_code ;~Tn filled_sbj passive
5.5 Statement word order with clause middle layers
So far, we have only seen subjects from a subject call creating the subject of a matrix interrogative. Statement word order, which also has to include a subject, happens with clause_top_layer [rule 1] of (5.1) that first calls subject and then goes on to call clause_middle_layer of (5.28). Similarly, there are [rules 9 and 10] of (5.1) for parsing matrix interrogatives where the subject is an inherited interrogative noun phrase, which also go on to call clause_middle_layer of (5.28).
The non-recursive rules of (5.28) set the clause voice parameter to active. They will also either:
- [rule 1] call verb_phrase_layer after adding finite clause information
- [rule 2] integrate do_operator_layer so that this will occur after the subject and before a subsequent call of verb_phrase_layer with do_supported_infinitive clause information
- [rule 3] integrate have_be_or_md_finite_layer so that this will occur after the subject and before a call of verb_complements_top_layer
There are also recursive rules allowing initial adverb phrases with -NIM (unselected adverbial) function [rule 4] and coordination at this middle clause level [rule 5] with non-initial conjuncts gathered by calls to clause_middle_tail of (5.29).
- (5.28)
clause_middle_layer(Store,SbjType,L1,L0) -->
clause_middle_layer(Store,SbjType,L,L0) -->
clause_middle_layer(Store,SbjType,L,L0) -->
clause_middle_layer(Store,SbjType,L,L0) -->
clause_middle_layer(Store,SbjType,[node('ILYR',[node('ILYR',IL)|CL])|L],L) -->
- (5.29)
clause_middle_tail(Store,SbjType,[node('CONJP',[CONJ,node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L) -->
clause_middle_tail(Store,SbjType,[PU,node('CONJP',[node('ILYR',IL)])|L],L0) -->
As an example of didn't occurring with statement word order, consider (5.30).
- (5.30)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','he'), w('DOD','','did'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('VB',';~Ip','stand'), w('RP','up')]), parse(clause_top_layer(statement_order,[])).
( (NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(DOD did)
(NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t)
(VB;~Ip stand)
(ADVP-CLR (RP up)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.30) follow (5.31).
- (5.31)
clause_top_layer statement_order
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
clause_middle_layer filled_sbj
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~Ip
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Ip filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~Ip filled_sbj active
adverb_phrase -CLR particle
adverb_phrase_layer particle
adv particle
As an example with catenative modal ought occurring with statement word order, consider (5.32).
- (5.32)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','he'), w('ADV','really'), w('MD',';~cat_Vt','ought'), w('TO','to'), w('VB',';~Ip','stand'), w('RP','up')]), parse(clause_top_layer(statement_order,[])).
( (NP-SBJ (PRO he))
(ADVP-NIM (ADV really))
(MD;~cat_Vt ought)
(VB;~Ip stand)
(ADVP-CLR (RP up))))
Calls to reach the output of (5.32) follow (5.33).
- (5.33)
clause_top_layer statement_order
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_head_full non_interrogative
clause_middle_layer filled_sbj
clause_middle_layer filled_sbj
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vt
modal ;~cat_Vt
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vt filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vt filled_sbj active
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~Ip
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Ip filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~Ip filled_sbj active
adverb_phrase -CLR particle
adverb_phrase_layer particle
adv particle
As an example with modal may occurring with statement word order in a clause that also has catenative have followed by catenative been followed by catenative being, consider (5.34).
- (5.34)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('D','A'), w('N','ship'), w('MD',';~cat_Vi','may'), w('HV',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('BEN',';~cat_Vg','been'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','sunk')]), parse(clause_top_layer(statement_order,[])).
( (NP-SBJ (D A)
(N ship))
(MD;~cat_Vi may)
(IP-INF-CAT (HV;~cat_Ve have)
(IP-PPL-CAT (BEN;~cat_Vg been)
(IP-PPL-CAT (BAG;~cat_Ve_passive_ being)
(VVN;~Tn sunk))))))
Calls to reach the output of (5.34) follow (5.35).
- (5.35)
clause_top_layer statement_order
subject filled_sbj
noun_phrase -SBJ non_interrogative
noun_phrase_top non_interrogative
noun_phrase_initial_layer non_interrogative
determiner_phrase_layer non_interrogative
det non_interrogative
clause_middle_layer filled_sbj
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vi
modal ;~cat_Vi
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vi filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vi filled_sbj active
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~cat_Ve
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Ve filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Ve filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_active -CAT filled_sbj en_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj en_participle active
verb en_participle ;~cat_Vg
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vg filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vg filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_active -CAT filled_sbj ing_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj ing_participle active
verb ing_participle ;~cat_Ve_passive_
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Ve_passive _filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Ve_passive _filled_sbj active
ip_ppl_passive -CAT filled_sbj en_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj en_participle passive
verb en_participle ;~Tn
verb_complements_top_layer ;~Tn filled_sbj passive
verb_complements_by_code ;~Tn filled_sbj passive
Why do the success and failure results of (5.36)–(5.39) obtain?
- (5.36)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WPRO','Who'), w('VBD',';~Tn','saw'), w('WPRO','who'), w('PUNC','?')]), parse(sentence).
(NP-SBJ *ICH*-506)
(VBD;~Tn saw)
(NP-OB1 (WPRO who)))
(PUNC ?))
- (5.37)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WPRO','Who'), w('WPRO','who'), w('VBD',';~Tn','saw'), w('PUNC','?')]), parse(sentence).
- (5.38)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WPRO','Who'), w('DOD','','did'), w('NPR','John'), w('VB',';~Tn','see'), w('PUNC','?')]), parse(sentence).
(DOD did)
(NP-SBJ (NPR John))
(VB;~Tn see)
(NP-OB1 *ICH*-568))
(PUNC ?))
- (5.39)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('WPRO','Who'), w('DOD','','did'), w('WPRO','who'), w('VB',';~Tn','see'), w('PUNC','?')]), parse(sentence).
Why do the success and failure results of (5.40)–(5.42) obtain?
- (5.40)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('NPR','John'), w('HVD',';~cat_Ve','had'), w('HVN',';~Tn','had'), w('D','some'), w('N','tea'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
(HVD;~cat_Ve had)
(IP-PPL-CAT (HVN;~Tn had)
(NP-OB1 (D some)
(N tea)))
(PUNC .))
- (5.41)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('NPR','John'), w('HVD',';~cat_Ve','had'), w('HVN',';~cat_Ve','had'), w('HVN',';~Tn','had'), w('D','some'), w('N','tea'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
- (5.42)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('NPR','John'), w('HVD',';~cat_Ve','had'), w('HVN',';~cat_Vt','had'), w('TO','to'), w('HV',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('HVN',';~Tn','had'), w('D','some'), w('N','tea'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
(HVD;~cat_Ve had)
(IP-PPL-CAT (HVN;~cat_Vt had)
(HV;~cat_Ve have)
(IP-PPL-CAT (HVN;~Tn had)
(NP-OB1 (D some)
(N tea)))))
(PUNC .))
Why do the success and failure results of (5.43)–(5.47) obtain?
- (5.43)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('DO','','Do'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('BE',';~La','be'), w('ADJ','shy'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
(NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t)
(BE;~La be)
(ADJP-PRD2 (ADJ shy))
(PUNC .))
- (5.44)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','I'), w('DOP','','do'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('BE',';~La','be'), w('ADJ','shy'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
- (5.45)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','I'), w('HVP',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('BEN',';~La','been'), w('ADJ','busy'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
(HVP;~cat_Ve have)
(IP-PPL-CAT (BEN;~La been)
(ADJP-PRD2 (ADJ busy)))
(PUNC .))
- (5.46)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','I'), w('DOP','','do'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('HV',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('BEN',';~La','been'), w('ADJ','busy'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
- (5.47)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('PRO','I'), w('DOP','','do'), w('NEG;_clitic_','n<apos>t'), w('HV',';~Tn','have'), w('D','any'), w('N','money'), w('PUNC','.')]), parse(sentence).
(DOP do)
(NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t)
(HV;~Tn have)
(NP-OB1 (D any)
(N money))
(PUNC .))
At what levels of the clause structure do the coordinations of (5.48)–(5.51) happen?
- (5.48)
[w('NS','Phones'), w('BED',';~cat_Vg','were'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','tapped'), w('CONJ','and'), w('VVN',';','put'), w('P-ROLE','out_of'), w('N','action'), w('PUNC','.')]
- (5.49)
[w('NS','Phones'), w('BED',';~cat_Vg','were'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','tapped'), w('CONJ','and'), w('VAG',';~Ipr','going'), w('P-ROLE','out_of'), w('N','action'), w('PUNC','.')]
- (5.50)
[w('NS','Phones'), w('BED',';~cat_Vg','were'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','tapped'), w('CONJ','and'), w('VBD',';~Ipr','went'), w('P-ROLE','out_of'), w('N','action'), w('PUNC','.')]
- (5.51)
[w('NS','Phones'), w('BED',';~cat_Vg','were'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','tapped'), w('CONJ','and'), w('NS','computers'), w('VBD',';~Ipr','went'), w('P-ROLE','out_of'), w('N','action'), w('PUNC','.')]
5.6 Existential there
An existential there (tagged EX) starts the ripple effect of needing a locally present verb with an existential verb code by setting the clause SbjType parameter to there_sbj. The existential verb licensed by this SbjType setting might be the main verb (with code ;~ex_V, ;~ex_Vp or ;~ex_Vpr) or a catenative verb (with code ;~ex_cat_Vt, ;~ex_cat_Vg or ;~ex_cat_Ve_passive_). Either way, this verb itself gives rise to the additional need for an existential subject (NP-ESBJ) as one of its selected complements.
As an example with there and an existential verb with code ;~ex_V, consider (5.52).
- (5.52)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('BEP',';~ex_V','Is'), w('EX','there'), w('D','a'), w('N','doctor')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (BEP;~ex_V Is)
(EX there)
(NP-ESBJ (D a)
(N doctor)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.52) follow (5.53).
- (5.53)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~ex_V
subject there_sbj
verb_complements_top_layer ;~ex_V there_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~ex_V there_sbj active
noun_phrase -ESBJ non_privileged
noun_phrase_top non_privileged
noun_phrase_initial_layer non_privileged
determiner_phrase_layer non_privileged
det non_privileged
There is in principle no limit to the distance between the instance of there which sets the clause SbjType to there_sbj and the occurrence of the existential verb that needs this setting, provided this happens in the same clause and the there_sbj setting of the SbjType parameter is able to hold at the location where the existential verb occurs. As an example of distance, consider (5.54).
- (5.54)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('EX','there'), w('MD',';~cat_Vt','ought'), w('TO','to'), w('HV',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('BEN',';~ex_V','been'), w('D','a'), w('N','doctor')]), parse(clause_top_layer(statement_order,[])).
( (EX there)
(MD;~cat_Vt ought)
(HV;~cat_Ve have)
(IP-PPL-CAT (BEN;~ex_V been)
(NP-ESBJ (D a)
(N doctor)))))
Calls to reach the output of (5.54) follow (5.55).
- (5.55)
clause_top_layer statement_order
subject there_sbj
clause_middle_layer there_sbj
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~cat_Vt
modal ;~cat_Vt
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Vt there_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Vt there_sbj active
verb_phrase_layer there_sbj infinitive active
verb infinitive ;~cat_Ve
verb_complements_top_layer ;~cat_Ve there_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~cat_Ve there_sbj active
ip_ppl_active -CAT there_sbj en_participle
verb_phrase_layer there_sbj en_participle active
verb en_participle ;~ex_V
verb_complements_top_layer ;~ex_V there_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~ex_V there_sbj active
noun_phrase -ESBJ non_privileged
noun_phrase_top non_privileged
noun_phrase_initial_layer non_privileged
determiner_phrase_layer non_privileged
det non_privileged
If the existential verb is a catenative verb, then the subject parameter changes from its initial there_sbj value to having a filled_sbj value for the -CAT complement selected by the catenative verb. We can see this change happen by considering (5.56), with its existential verb that has code ;~ex_cat_Vg.
- (5.56)
| ?- tphrase_set_string([w('BEP',';~ex_cat_Vg','Is'), w('EX','there'), w('Q;_nphd_','nobody_else'), w('VAG',';~I','coming')]), parse(clause_top_layer(matrix_interrogative,[])).
( (BEP;~ex_cat_Vg Is)
(EX there)
(NP-ESBJ (Q;_nphd_ nobody_else))
(IP-PPL-CAT (VAG;~I coming)))
Calls to reach the output of (5.56) follow (5.57).
- (5.57)
clause_top_layer matrix_interrogative
have_be_or_md_finite_layer ;~ex_cat_Vg
subject there_sbj
verb_complements_top_layer ;~ex_cat_Vg there_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~ex_cat_Vg there_sbj active
noun_phrase -ESBJ non_privileged
noun_phrase_top non_privileged
noun_phrase_initial_layer non_privileged
ip_ppl_active -CAT filled_sbj ing_participle
verb_phrase_layer filled_sbj ing_participle active
verb ing_participle ;~I
verb_complements_top_layer ;~I filled_sbj active
verb_complements_by_code ;~I filled_sbj active
Consider (5.58)–(5.60) taken from Lumsden (1988, p. 4), illustrating the ‘left most be condition’. What are the parse results, if any? Can you describe the cause of any parse failure?
- (5.58)
[w('EX','There'), w('BED',';~ex_cat_Vg','was'), w('D','a'), w('N','man'), w('BAG',';~cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('VVN',';~Tn','interrogated'), w('PUNC','.')]
- (5.59)
[w('EX','There'), w('BED',';~cat_Vg','was'), w('BAG',';~ex_cat_Ve_passive_','being'), w('D','a'), w('N','man'), w('VVN',';~Tn','interrogated'), w('PUNC','.')]
- (5.60)
[w('EX','There'), w('BED',';~cat_Vt','was'), w('TO','to'), w('HV',';~cat_Ve','have'), w('BEN',';~ex_cat_Ve_passive_','been'), w('D','a'), w('N','man'), w('VVN',';~Tn','interrogated'), w('PUNC','.')]