
Minimal pairs

He has to tell a story.

   He[PRO] has[HVP;~cat_Vt] to[TO] tell[VB;~Tn] a[D] story[N] .[PUNC]

He has a story to tell.

   He[PRO] has[HVP;~Tn] a[D] story[N] to[TO] tell[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Adapted from a quote of Anthony Trollope's in Jespersen Essentials p.332

I need somebody to love.

   I[PRO] need[VBP;~Tn] somebody[D;_nphd_] to[TO] love[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

I need somebody to love me.

   I[PRO] need[VBP;~Tn] somebody[D;_nphd_] to[TO] love[VB;~Tn] me[PRO] .[PUNC]

Adapted from Jespersen Essentials p.335

There is only one thing to do.

   There[EX] is[BEP;~ex_V] only_one[Q] thing[N] to[TO] do[DO;~Tn] .[PUNC]

There is only one thing to be done.

   There[EX] is[BEP;~ex_V] only_one[Q] thing[N] to[TO] be[BE;~cat_Ve_passive_] done[DON;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Jespersen Essentials p.335

I lifted the book onto the table.

   I[PRO] lifted[VBD;~Tn.pr] the[D] book[N] onto[P-ROLE] the[D] table[N] .[PUNC]

I lifted the book on the table.

   I[PRO] lifted[VBD;~Tn] the[D] book[N] on[P-ROLE] the[D] table[N] .[PUNC]

B. Levin (1993) p.114

Bill sent a package to Tom.

   Bill[NPR] sent[VBD;~Dn.pr] a[D] package[N] to[P-ROLE] Tom[NPR] .[PUNC]

Bill sent a package to London.

   Bill[NPR] sent[VBD;~Tn.pr] a[D] package[N] to[P-ROLE] London[NPR] .[PUNC]

B. Levin (1993) p.46

Bill sent Tom a package.

   Bill[NPR] sent[VBD;~Dn.n] Tom[NPR] a[D] package[N] .[PUNC]

Bill sent London a package.

   Bill[NPR] sent[VBD;~Tn] London[NPR] a[D] package[N] .[PUNC]

It is hard to explain.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] is[BEP;~La] hard[ADJ] to[TO] explain[VB;~I] .[PUNC]

It is hard to explain.

   It[PRO] is[BEP;~La] hard[ADJ] to[TO] explain[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Similar exercise in Hornby III p.47

It is a hard thing to explain.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] hard[ADJ] thing[N] to[TO] explain[VB;~I] .[PUNC]

It is a hard thing to explain.

   It[PRO] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] hard[ADJ] thing[N] to[TO] explain[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

The committee is to find a solution.

   The[D] committee[N] is[BEP;~cat_Vt] to[TO] find[VB;~Tn] a[D] solution[N] .[PUNC]

The problem is to find a solution.

   The[D] problem[N] is[BEP;~equ_Vt] to[TO] find[VB;~Tn] a[D] solution[N] .[PUNC]

Quirk et. al., 1985, p.143

Cheese pizzas smell.

   Cheese[N] pizzas[N] smell[VBD;~I] .[PUNC]

Cheese people smell.

   Cheese[N] people[N] smell[VBD;~Tn] .[PUNC]

I found the box empty.

   I[PRO] found[VBD;~Cn.a] the[D] box[N] empty[ADJ] .[PUNC]

I found the empty box.

   I[PRO] found[VBD;~Tn] the[D] empty[ADJ] box[N] .[PUNC]

Hornby IV p.66

Clearly he can't see.

   Clearly[ADV] he[PRO] ca[MD;~cat_Vi] n<apos>t[NEG;_clitic_] see[VB;~I] .[PUNC]

He can't see clearly.

   He[PRO] ca[MD;~cat_Vi] n<apos>t[NEG;_clitic_] see[VB;~I] clearly[ADV] .[PUNC]

Bolinger (1968, p.75)

The blue dress is the oldest.

   The[D] blue[ADJ] dress[N] is[BEP;~Ln] the[D] oldest[ADJS] _*_[N] .[PUNC]

The oldest dress is blue.

   The[D] oldest[ADJS] dress[N] is[BEP;~La] blue[ADJ] .[PUNC]

Jespersen Essentials p.96

A dancing woman charms.

   A[D] dancing[VAG;~I] woman[N] charms[VBP;~I] .[PUNC]

A charming woman dances.

   A[D] charming[VAG;~I] woman[N] dances[VBP;~I] .[PUNC]

Jespersen Essentials p.96

The funniest boy was cleaning a dog.

   The[D] funniest[ADJS] boy[N] was[BED;~cat_Vg] cleaning[VAG;~Tn] a[D] dog[N] .[PUNC]

The funniest job was cleaning a dog.

   The[D] funniest[ADJS] job[N] was[BED;~equ_Vg] cleaning[VAG;~Tn] a[D] dog[N] .[PUNC]

Adapted from 2_lucy_child_09_m12

Next they were married.

   Next[ADV] they[PRO] were[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] married[VVN;~Tn] .[PUNC]

More of the therapy group were married and married people with cancer are known to survive longer.

   More[Q;_nphd_] of[P-ROLE] the[D] therapy[N] group[N] were[BED;~La] married[ADJ] and[CONJ] married[ADJ] people[NS] with[P-ROLE] cancer[N] are[BEP;~cat_Ve_passive_] known[VVN;~Cn.t] to[TO] survive[VB;~Ip] longer[ADVR] .[PUNC]

He saw that the plan was useless.

   He[PRO] saw[VBD;~Tf] that[C] the[D] plan[N] was[BED;~La] useless[ADJ] .[PUNC]

It was seen that the plan was useless.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] was[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] seen[VVN;~Tn] that[C] the[D] plan[N] was[BED;~La] useless[ADJ] .[PUNC]

He sent her an article by Fillmore.

   He[PRO] sent[VBD;~Dn.n] her[PRO] an[D] article[N] by[P-ROLE] Fillmore[NPR] .[PUNC]

She was sent an article by Fillmore.

   She[PRO] was[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] sent[VVN;~Dn.n] an[D] article[N] by[P-ROLE] Fillmore[NPR] .[PUNC]

He must have dropped the course.

   He[PRO] must[MD;~cat_Vi] have[HV;~cat_Ve] dropped[VVN;~Tn] the[D] course[N] .[PUNC]

He must drop the course.

   He[PRO] must[MD;~cat_Vi] drop[VB;~Tn] the[D] course[N] .[PUNC]

He was in prison.

   He[PRO] was[BED;~La] in_prison[ADJ] .[PUNC]

He was imprisoned.

   He[PRO] was[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] imprisoned[VVN;~Tn] .[PUNC]

They found her a great help.

   They[PRO] found[VBD;~Cn.n] her[PRO] a[D] great[ADJ] help[N] .[PUNC]

They found her a great belt.

   They[PRO] found[VBD;~Dn.n] her[PRO] a[D] great[ADJ] belt[N] .[PUNC]

It's a time-consuming task waiting for Michael.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] <apos>s[BEP;~Ln] a[D] time-consuming[ADJ] task[N] waiting[VAG;~Ipr] for[P-ROLE] Michael[NPR] .[PUNC]

There's a time-consuming task waiting for Michael.

   There[EX] <apos>s[BEP;~ex_cat_Vg] a[D] time-consuming[ADJ] task[N] waiting[VAG;~Ipr] for[P-ROLE] Michael[NPR] .[PUNC]

The website, logo and layout were your doing.

   The[D] website[N] ,[PUNC] logo[N] and[CONJ] layout[N] were[BED;~Ln] your[PRO;_genm_] doing[N] .[PUNC]

The website, logo and layout you were doing.

   The[D] website[N] ,[PUNC] logo[N] and[CONJ] layout[N] you[PRO] were[BED;~cat_Vg] doing[DAG;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Attendance is a requirement of course.

   Attendance[N] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] requirement[N] of_course[ADV] .[PUNC]

Attendance is a requirement of the course.

   Attendance[N] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] requirement[N] of[P-ROLE] the[D] course[N] .[PUNC]

It was the politicians who misused their power.

   It[PRO;_cleft_] was[BED;~cleft_Vn] the[D] politicians[NS] who[RPRO] misused[VBD;~Tn] their[PRO;_genm_] power[N] .[PUNC]

There were some politicians who misused their power.

   There[EX] were[BED;~ex_V] some[D] politicians[NS] who[RPRO] misused[VBD;~Tn] their[PRO;_genm_] power[N] .[PUNC]

He heard a crashing sound coming from the restaurant.

   He[PRO] heard[VBD;~Tn] a[D] crashing[ADJ] sound[N] coming[VAG;~Ipr] from[P-ROLE] the[D] restaurant[N] .[PUNC]

Coming from the restaurant, he heard a crashing sound.

   _*_[P-CONN] Coming[VAG;~Ipr] from[P-ROLE] the[D] restaurant[N] ,[PUNC] he[PRO] heard[VBD;~Tn] a[D] crashing[ADJ] sound[N] .[PUNC]

I'll ask when he comes.

   I[PRO] <apos>ll[MD;~cat_Vi] ask[VB;~I] when[P-CONN] he[PRO] comes[VBP;~I] .[PUNC]

I'll ask when he came.

   I[PRO] <apos>ll[MD;~cat_Vi] ask[VB;~Tw] when[WADV] he[PRO] came[VBD;~I] .[PUNC]

I'll ask if he comes.

   I[PRO] <apos>ll[MD;~cat_Vi] ask[VB;~I] if[P-CONN] he[PRO] comes[VBP;~I] .[PUNC]

I'll ask if he came.

   I[PRO] <apos>ll[MD;~cat_Vi] ask[VB;~Tw] if[WQ] he[PRO] came[VBD;~I] .[PUNC]

We're going to be late.

   We[PRO] <apos>re[BEP;~cat_Vg] going[VAG;~cat_Vt] to[TO] be[BE;~La] late[ADJ] .[PUNC]

We're going to Berlin.

   We[PRO] <apos>re[BEP;~cat_Vg] going[VAG;~Ipr] to[P-ROLE] Berlin[NPR] .[PUNC]

I made her some sandwiches.

   I[PRO] made[VBD;~Dn.n] her[PRO] some[D] sandwiches[NS] .[PUNC]

I made her my spokesperson.

   I[PRO] made[VBD;~Cn.n] her[PRO] my[PRO;_genm_] spokesperson[N] .[PUNC]

Alan knew that feeling very well.

   Alan[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tn] that[D] feeling[N] very[ADV] well[ADV] .[PUNC]

Alan knew that they were feeling very well.

   Alan[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tf] that[C] they[PRO] were[BED;~cat_Vg] feeling[VAG;~La] very[ADV] well[ADJ] .[PUNC]

Once we penetrated the dark woods and witnessed scenes of intense drama.

   Once[ADV] we[PRO] penetrated[VBD;~Tn] the[D] dark[ADJ] woods[NS] and[CONJ] witnessed[VBD;~Tn] scenes[NS] of[P-ROLE] intense[ADJ] drama[N] .[PUNC]

Once we penetrated the dark woods we witnessed scenes of intense drama.

   Once[P-CONN] we[PRO] penetrated[VBD;~Tn] the[D] dark[ADJ] woods[NS] we[PRO] witnessed[VBD;~Tn] scenes[NS] of[P-ROLE] intense[ADJ] drama[N] .[PUNC]

Santa told them what Christmas presents kids want.

   Santa[NPR] told[VBD;~Dn.w] them[PRO] what[WD] Christmas_presents[NS] kids[NS] want[VBP;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Santa told them that kids want Christmas presents.

   Santa[NPR] told[VBD;~Dn.f] them[PRO] that[C] kids[NS] want[VBP;~Tn] Christmas_presents[NS] .[PUNC]

Her behaviour is astonishing to everyone.

   Her[PRO;_genm_] behaviour[N] is[BEP;~La] astonishing[ADJ] to[P-ROLE] everyone[Q;_nphd_] .[PUNC]

Her behaviour is astonishing everyone.

   Her[PRO;_genm_] behaviour[N] is[BEP;~cat_Vg] astonishing[VAG;~Tn] everyone[Q;_nphd_] .[PUNC]

It is a myth that many people have heard about.

   It[PRO] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] myth[N] that[RPRO] many[ADJ] people[N] have[HVP;~cat_Ve] heard[VVN;~Ipr] about[P-ROLE] .[PUNC]

It is a myth that many people have heard about it.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] is[BEP;~Ln] a[D] myth[N] that[C] many[ADJ] people[N] have[HVP;~cat_Ve] heard[VVN;~Ipr] about[P-ROLE] it[PRO] .[PUNC]

It was a secret that they shared a flat.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] was[BEP;~Ln] a[D] secret[N] that[C] they[PRO] shared[VBD;~Ln] a[D] flat[N] .[PUNC]

It was a secret that they shared.

   It[PRO] was[BEP;~Ln] a[D] secret[N] that[RPRO] they[PRO] shared[VBD;~Tn] .[PUNC]

It was believed that the boys were lying.

   It[PRO;_provisional_] was[BEP;~cat_Ve_passive_] believed[VVN;~Tn] that[C] the[D] boys[NS] were[BED;~cat_Vg] lying[VAG;~I] .[PUNC]

The boys that were lying were believed.

   The[D] boys[NS] that[RPRO] were[BED;~cat_Vg] lying[VAG;~I] were[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] believed[VVN;~Tn] .[PUNC]

There's not much to learn.

   There[EX] <apos>s[BEP;~ex_cat_Vt_passive_] not[NEG] much[ADJ] _*_[N] to[TO] learn[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

There's not much to learn.

   There[EX] <apos>s[BEP;~ex_V] not[NEG] much[ADJ] _*_[N] to[TO] learn[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

He tried to understand.

   He[PRO] tried[VBD;~cat_Vt] to[TO] understand[VB;~I] .[PUNC]

He studied to understand.

   He[PRO] studied[VBD;~I] _*_[P-CONN] to[TO] understand[VB;~I] .[PUNC]

You need wisdom to understand this.

   You[PRO] need[VBP;~Tn] wisdom[N] _*_[P-CONN] to[TO] understand[VB;~Tn] this[D;_nphd_] .[PUNC]

I need people to understand this.

   I[PRO] need[VBP;~Tnt] people[N] to[TO] understand[VB;~Tn] this[D;_nphd_] .[PUNC]

I know that you mentioned the man.

   I[PRO] know[VBP;~Tf] that[C] you[PRO] mentioned[VBD;~Tn] the[D] man[N] .[PUNC]

I know the man that you mentioned.

   I[PRO] know[VBP;~Tn] the[D] man[N] that[RPRO] you[PRO] mentioned[VBD;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Jespersen III p.165

He asked me what I had found.

   He[PRO] asked[VBD;~Dn.w] me[PRO] what[WPRO] I[PRO] had[HVD;~cat_Ve] found[VVN;~Tn] .[PUNC]

I gave him what I had found.

   I[PRO] gave[VBD;~Dn.n] him[PRO] _*_[N] what[RPRO] I[PRO] had[HVD;~cat_Ve] found[VVN;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Adapted from Zandvoort Handbook p.165

Knitting and sewing are not very difficult things to learn.

   Knitting[N] and[CONJ] sewing[N] are[BEP;~Ln] not[NEG] very[ADV] difficult[ADJ] things[NS] to[TO] learn[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Knitting and sewing are not very difficult to learn.

   Knitting[N] and[CONJ] sewing[N] are[BEP;~La] not[NEG] very[ADV] difficult[ADJ] to[TO] learn[VB;~Tn] .[PUNC]

Adapted from 5_lucy_child_09_m09

Sara wanted to convince Ed.

   Sara[NPR] wanted[VBD;~Tt] to[TO] convince[VB;~Tn] Ed[NPR] .[PUNC]

Sara seemed to convince Ed.

   Sara[NPR] seemed[VBD;~cat_Vt] to[TO] convince[VB;~Tn] Ed[NPR] .[PUNC]

Huddleston and Pullum (2005) p.217

Ed wanted to be convinced by Sara.

   Ed[NPR] wanted[VBD;~Tt] to[TO] be[BE;~cat_Ve_passive_] convinced[VVN;~Tn] by[P-ROLE] Sara[NPR] .[PUNC]

Ed seemed to be convinced by Sara.

   Ed[NPR] seemed[VBD;~cat_Vt] to[TO] be[BE;~cat_Ve_passive_] convinced[VVN;~Tn] by[P-ROLE] Sara[NPR] .[PUNC]

Ed regrets interrupting me.

   Ed[NPR] regrets[VBP;~Tg] interrupting[VAG;~Tn] me[PRO] .[PUNC]

Ed keeps interrupting me.

   Ed[NPR] keeps[VBP;~cat_Vg] interrupting[VAG;~Tn] me[PRO] .[PUNC]

Huddleston and Pullum (2005, p.219)

I regret being interrupted by Ed.

   I[PRO] regret[VBP;~Tg] being[BAG;~cat_Ve_passive_] interrupted[VVN;~Tn] by[P-ROLE] Ed[NPR] .[PUNC]

I regret being interrupted by Ed.

   I[PRO] regret[VBP;~cat_Vg] being[BAG;~cat_Ve_passive_] interrupted[VVN;~Tn] by[P-ROLE] Ed[NPR] .[PUNC]

There regret being power black-outs.

   There[EX] regret[VBP;~Tg] being[BAG;~Ln] power[N] black-outs[NS] .[PUNC]

There keep being power black-outs.

   There[EX] keep[VBP;~cat_Vg] being[BAG;~ex_V] power[N] black-outs[NS] .[PUNC]

Harry knew Fred and Tom knew Liz.

   Harry[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tn] Fred[NPR] and[CONJ] Tom[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tn] Liz[NPR] .[PUNC]

Harry knew Fred and Tom knew Liz.

   Harry[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tf] Fred[NPR] and[CONJ] Tom[NPR] knew[VBD;~Tn] Liz[NPR] .[PUNC]

Huddleston (1988, p.20)

The vase was broken by Kim.

   The[D] vase[N] was[BED;~cat_Ve_passive_] broken[VVN;~Tn] by[P-ROLE] Kim[NPR] .[PUNC]

The vase was already broken.

   The[D] vase[N] was[BED;~La] already[ADV] broken[ADJ] .[PUNC]

Huddleston (1988, p.113)